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Separating Fact From Fiction About Gum Disease

Gum Disease

Separating fact from fiction from about gum disease: Have you ever wondered why your dentist cares so much about your gums, not just your teeth? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost half of adults aged 30 or older (that's 46%) have gum disease. And about 9% of adults have a more severe form of gum disease. This shows how important it is to take care of your gums and make sure they stay healthy.

Lots of people who have periodontal gum disease don't even know it or understand how serious it can be if they don't get help. One reason for this is that there are many wrong ideas or myths about gum disease. We want to give you the right facts so you can get the right treatment and have a healthy mouth again.

Debunking Myths about Gum Disease: Unveiling the Truth

Myth 1: Bleeding gums while brushing is normal.

Don't be fooled by common misunderstandings—bleeding gums while brushing is not something you should ignore. 

It's actually an early sign of gum disease, especially a kind called gingivitis. When your gums bleed while you brush or floss, it means there's inflammation and irritation caused by plaque and bacteria building up along your gumline.

If you don't take care of this, it can lead to gum disease and even make you lose your teeth! But don't worry, you can reverse gingivitis and stop more problems from happening. It's important to seek dental care and practice good oral hygiene to keep your gums healthy, protect your smile, and prevent further complications.

Myth 2: People who have gum disease don't brush their teeth.

 Let's clear up another misconception about gum disease. Some people believe that if you have gum disease, it means you're not brushing your teeth well enough or at all. But that's not entirely true. While brushing your teeth properly is important for preventing gum disease, it's not the only reason why someone might get it.

Gum disease can happen to anyone, even if they brush their teeth really well. There are other things that can increase the risk of gum disease, like genes (inherited from your parents), smoking, hormonal changes (like during puberty or pregnancy), certain medications, and other diseases in your body.

So, even if you brush your teeth every day and take good care of them, you can still get gum disease if you have other risk factors. That's why it's important to visit the dentist regularly, get your teeth cleaned by a professional, and follow a good oral care routine. By doing all these things, you can help keep gum disease at bay and have a healthier smile.

Myth 3: Gum disease only affects the mouth.

 Did you know that gum disease doesn't only affect your mouth? It can actually have an impact on your whole body too!

Scientists have done lots of research and found that gum disease is connected to other health problems in our bodies. The bacteria and inflammation that happen with gum disease can get into our bloodstream and cause trouble in different areas. Some studies have shown that gum disease can make us more likely to have heart problems, diabetes, infections in our lungs, and even bad outcomes during pregnancy.

That's why it's really important to take care of our gums and keep them healthy. By doing that, we can also help reduce the chances of getting these other health problems. So remember, taking care of our gums is not just about having a nice smile, it's about keeping our whole body healthy too!

Myth 4: Gum damage is irreversible.

Some people believe that once gum disease has caused damage, it can't be fixed. They think that if gum disease gets really bad, like when it becomes periodontitis, there's no way to make the gums healthy again.

It's true that when gum disease reaches advanced stages like periodontitis, the damage it causes can be permanent. But here's the good news: if gum disease is caught early, like in the beginning stage called gingivitis, it can actually be reversed!

By getting professional cleanings from the dentist, improving how we take care of our teeth at home, and if needed, getting special treatments like scaling and root planing, we can stop gum disease from getting worse. These actions can help make our gums healthy again.

So remember, even if you have gum disease, it may not be too late. There are ways to stop it and make your gums better. It's important to take action early and work with your dentist to keep your gums healthy and strong.

Discover Solutions for Gum Disease at a Trusted General Dentistry Clinic in Colorado

By dispelling these common misconceptions and understanding the facts about gum disease, you can make informed decisions about your oral health. Remember to schedule regular dental check-ups at a trusted General Dentistry clinic in Colorado, maintain good oral hygiene practices, and seek prompt treatment if you notice any signs or symptoms of gum disease.

Take control of your oral health today with Arvada Dental Excellence. Our dedicated team understands the significance of healthy gums and offers advanced Periodontal Gum Disease Therapy. Through deep cleaning to eliminate tartar and bacteria buildup, we can effectively treat gum disease and prevent further complications.

Don't let gum disease hold you back—contact us now to schedule an appointment and regain a healthy smile.

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